If you want to prevent cuts to affordable housing, you can urge County Executive Leggett to budget $45 million in FY 2015. Use the form letter below if you like. Just cut and paste the message into your email. Mr. Leggett’s email address is below:
Join with AIM, Habitat for Humanity, Montgomery Housing to restore funding for affordable housing.
Dear County Executive Leggett,
As a resident of Montgomery County, I strongly urge you not to cut funds in FY 2015 for affordable housing in the Housing Initiative Fund. I support $45 million for HIF which Action in Montgomery, Montgomery Housing Partnership, Victory Housing, and Habitat for Humanity Metro Maryland have recommended be funded with $7 million of available housing bonds.
At a time when the gap between the rich and the poor is growing, you need to stand up for those who cannot afford housing–including the 10,000 who are on the waiting list for MPDUs, the 30,000 seniors who live at or below the poverty level and the 52,000 MCPS students who receive free and reduced-price lunches.
Please make funding afford housing one of your top priorities in 2015 and in 2016, restoring dedicated funding via 2.5% of the property tax. Make affordable housing a reality you deliver on rather than a campaign promise.
Your name & Address