New Here?

“We welcome everyone to our community regardless of race, class, marital status, sexual orientation, ability or disability. Here you can find a home for your heart and an opportunity to serve”

Saint Mark welcomes children and adults with disabilities and their families.  We strive to ensure our programs and facilities are accessible to all and to accommodate any special needs.

Who We Are

Saint Mark Presbyterian Church is a community where spirit and service come together. Saint Mark is a congregation of the Presbyterian Church (USA), deeply committed to integrating worship, Christian formation, and mission. We seek to provide a positive, supportive community of faith that will nurture your family life, reach out to people of all ages, and deepen spiritual life for everyone. We welcome you to join us as we grow in this journey of faith.

What We Do Together

Worship services are held Sunday mornings at 9:30 and 11:00 AM. On the first Sunday of every month from October to June, we celebrate “Spirit and Service Sunday” with one worship at 9:30 followed by activities for all ages. For more information about Spirit and Service Sunday please click here.

During the summer we meet for one service at 10:00 AM and occasionally on special Sundays. Child care for children under 4 years of age is available during Sunday Worship services.

Saint Mark offers a wide variety of Christian formation and Bible study opportunities, music programs, community outreach, and more.

A sample of ways to participate includes:

  • Sunday Morning classes for children and adults
  • Bible study and prayer groups; including a mothers’ group
  • Choirs for children and adults
  • Youth groups for fellowship, study, service and worship.
  • Community service and outreach programs
  • Manna Foods – monthly collection and stocking shelves (youth and adults)
  • Community Based Shelter programs with Interfaith Works (formerly Community Ministries of Montgomery County)
  • Habitat for Humanity
  • Special relationships with Tchekhos, Cameroon and Cite Soliel, Haiti

Our Invitation to You

We invite you to join us in worship and community life. If you are interested in learning more about Saint Mark or about how to become a member, please plan to attend an Inquirer’s Class.


The first step toward membership is to attend an Inquirer’s Class. These are scheduled throughout the year as needed and are generally held on a Sunday afternoon. For more information, contact Pastor Shelby Etheridge:

“Here you can find a home for your heart and an opportunity to serve”