Speaking Truth to Power – Social Justice
Speaking Truth to Power – Social Justice
Part of Christian Stewardship is understanding the Church’s role (and our own) in guiding the choices of our leaders to be consistent with what Jesus calls us to be as disciples.
Read hear about the Advisory Committee on Social Witness Policy (ACSWP), which is a servant of the General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.). They develop, interpret and monitor policies that encourage and challenge the Church and society to reflect and act in faithful response to God’s call to do justice. http://www.pcusa.org/acswp/
The Presbyterian Church, U.S. in adopting the “The Theological Basis for Christian Social Action” vigorously redefined the influential doctrine of the “spirituality of the Church” to acknowledge the duty of the church to act on behalf of God’s will in temporal affairs. In the United Presbyterian Church, the adoption of the Confession of 1967, along with other historic confessions of the Reformed tradition, marked a reawakening to the breadth and depth of Reformed theology and its relevance for contemporary affairs.
The goal of The Washington Office: The Voice of Presbyterian Public Policy is to help us understand proposed legislation and how it affects how we live together in God’s world and how to bring the heart of the gospel to the heart of the nation’s capital.
Who is My Neighbor?
Love of God and love of neighbor are so intertwined that part of what it means to love God is to love the neighbor. If one has any doubts about this primary obligation to care for and show concern for the other, simply look at the scriptural accounts of Jesus’ own ministry, which was replete both with his own acts of love and compassion for the other and with his teachings to his followers to go and do likewise.
Over the years, leading Presbyterians have written perspectives concerning the church and politics. These powerful articles have been used as resources and inspiration by Presbyterian advocates to support their beliefs that the religious-based political work is crucial and necessary.
Use these Biblically-based essays for discussion in study groups, mission or justice committees, or for individual reflection.
Witness in Washington Weekly
A weekly email update of legislation before Congress and the related Presbyterian policy. Presented in a brief format with links to more information. These updates are sent only when Congress is in session.
Recent issues of Witness in Washington Weekly are available for download and printing.
To join in these actions, speak to Elder Alison Bennett.