Worship and Music
Saint Mark aspires to be a congregation within which we can all grow closer to God. Through scripture, song, prayer, and holy communion, we worship to honor and praise God the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. In giving heart, voice, mind, and attention to the glory of God, each individual brings their unique gifts that allow us to act in unity as the body of Christ.
Worship together is a time of spiritual growth and renewal. We sing praises to God, hear the Word proclaimed, open our hearts through confession, remember our baptism, and depart better equipped for service and acts of justice in our daily lives.
Saint Mark is a community of believers from around the globe, united in Christ. Together we proclaim “the universal message of God’s grace in Jesus Christ … rooted in common elements of human life that transcend all cultures.” W-1.0304
Music Ministry
Music helps us to go places spiritually that we cannot typically reach with words alone. There is surely no sound on earth more pleasing to the Lord than that of an ordinary congregation singing its heart out. At Saint Mark, we invite all to participate in the long tradition of praising God through song. Our Chancel Choir and the cantors lead the way, serving as instruments of the Lord through which His message may reach the hearts of the congregation.
The Chancel Choir rehearses in the choir room from September through Pentecost:
- Thursday evening from 7:30 to 9:00 PM
- Sunday morning at 10:30 AM for the 11:00 AM service, or
- Sunday morning at 9:00 AM for the 9:30 AM service on the first Sunday of the month.
The choir is lead by three professional section leaders, and sings a wide variety of styles, from classic repertoire to selections from around the globe. We eagerly encourage interested singers to come join in this rewarding ministry of music and fellowship.